söndag 11 maj 2014

Hairy stuff

..so I buried a heart tonight and it all came true

We were all in this together, you can not try to find your way out of this now. It's too late for that now.
But I promise it will be worth it.

Hold my hands like that first time near the river. We dance under the stars and watch the sunrice behind those mountains. And I will die for you.

When we wake up from this dream of ours their will be no fears in the darkness, there will be no faces in the shadows. Only water drops on the top of your lips.

Lets do a groovy, lets dance the night away..

I miss contact improvisation so much. But soon I'll be dancing tango and maybe salsa as well, I guess I have to let that be some kind of replacement.

I have some small changes that I want to make happen, I want to try make a  30 minutes a day purpose to myself, 30 minutes to practise spanish, 30 minutes to write on my novel, 30 minutes to work on my webpage, 30 minutes to practise juggling, 30 minutes to practise other things, 30 minutes to do meditation.

Or creative stuff.. The only problem is that now we are all ready up in 3 hours, and that is probably more than I have every day, so I have to prioritise, and maybe make things every second day, and make a nice little schedule of it.
Because there is too many things that I want and wish I had the time to do.

And now its time for bed goood night.. !!

Oh yes its real and it is fresh. Sometimes when I look down on my legs and I am with people that are maybe not that used to see real body hair In Real Life so to speak, than I think.. oh., i shit I wonder what they are thinking now, maybe they think its ugly, this goes for maybe one second in my brain, but than I say:
HEY ! Stop, why do I care! If they do not like it, they certainly do not like me for the person that I am, and they would not be with me. Or with other words they could just fuck off, and leave.. !
No but seriously, I really think it is so booooooooooooooooring to shave, shave, shave.. yes. Why should I do something that is so boring and that actually grow back again in like a day. Which means I have to do it all over again.. I feel sorry for all those dudes out there who have to suffer with their beards every fucking day. (im sorry for the language) but it most be incredible irritating.. I just say let it GROW!
(but actually I am a little jelous as well, I have always had a secret dream of having a nice little red mustasch and beard someday.. oh I would look so pretty!)

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